By Bogdan Horbal ©1996 all rights reserved.
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The fate of Rusyns under Soviet regime can be researched in works published
in communist countries:
- XXV rokov slavnosti kultury ukrajinskych
pracujucich CSRR, Svidnik 1979 [Twenty Five Years of the Fame of the
Culture of Ukrainian Working People in Czechoslovak Socialistic Republic],
Kosice-Presov, 1979;
- Socialistickou cestou k narodnostnej
rovnopravnosti: zbornik studii o rozvoji ukrajinskej narodnosti v CSSR [On
the Socialistic Road to the National Equality: Collection of Studies on the
Development of the Ukrainian Nationality in Czechoslovak Socialistic Republic],
Bratislava, 1975;
- Andrii Kovach (b.1930), "Ukraintsi Priashivshchyny i
deiaki pytannia kul'turnoi polityky Slovats'koii Respublyky" [The
Ukrainians of the Preshov Region and Some Questions about the Cultural Policy of
the Slovak Republic], Naukovyi Zbirnyk Muzeiu Ukrains'koii Kul'tury u
Svydnyku, IV, 1 (Presov, 1969), p.401-412.
Among works on this subject, published in the Western European countries and
America, there are:
- Paul R.Magocsi (b.1945), The Rusyn-Ukrainians of
Czechoslovakia: an Historical Survey, Vienna, 1983;
- IUlyan Kolesar
(1927-1992), Nasylne odnarodzovane rusnatsokh u Slovatskei
[Forcible Denationalization of Rusyns in Slovakia], Montreal, 1978;
- Pavel Macu,
"The Present State of National Consciousness Among the Rusyns of
Czechoslovakia", in: Europa Ethnica, XXXI, 3 (Vienna, 1974),
- IUlyan Kolesar, Nasylne odnarodzovene ruskykh u Polskei
[Forcible Denationalization of Rusyn People in Poland], vol.1-2,
Montreal, 1974;
- IUlian Tarnovych (1903-1977), Na Zharyshchakh
Zakerzonnia [In the Razed Region Beyond the Curzon Line], Toronto,
- Sava Zerkal' (b.1896), Natsional'ni i relihiini vidnosyny na
Zakarpatti [National and Religious Relationships in the Transcarpathian
Region], [New York], 1956.
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