
The first Lemko-language school in post-Communist Poland was established in September 1991 in the village of Kunkova to serve that village and the neighboring village of Lishchyny. The school at that time had nine students (ages 6 to 10) who were taught once per week by Myroslava Chomjak. She used xerox copies of an elementary Lemko grammar from 1935. This school has gained attention from the national Polish press, even as the subject of a popular children's television news magazine program.158

Since then, six other such schools have been established (including Ustje Ruske and Legnica), and new instructional materials have been printed. The grammar for children, Lemkivska grammatyka dlja dity (Lemko Grammar for Children), was written and illustrated by Chomjak in close collaboration with Dr. Henryk Fontanski of the University of Silesia.159

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