By Bogdan Horbal ©1996 all rights reserved.
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One could point at a number of pivotal historical events in the history of
Carpatho-Rusyns. Some of them have been described in separate studies:
- Volodymyr Hrabovets'kyi (b.1928), Antyfeodal'na borot'ba karpats'koho opryshkivstva XVI-XIX st. [Antyfeudal Struggle of Carpathian Brigadians XVI to XIX Centuries], [L'viv], 1966;
- Ilarion Svyentsitski (1876-1956), "Obzor snoshenii Karpatskoi Rusi s Rossiei v I pol. XIX veka" [The Description of the Relations of Carpathian Rus' with Russia in the First Half of the Nineteenth Century], Izvestia ORISIAN , XI, 3 (St. Petersburg, 1906), p.259-367;
- Keith P. Dyrud (b.1940), The Quest for the Rusyn Soul: the Politics of Religion and Culture in Eastern Europe and in America, 1890-World War I, Philadelphia-London, 1992;
- Galitskaia Golgota. Voennye Prestupleniia Gabsburskoi Monarkhii 1914-1917 gg., [Galician Persecution: War Crimes of the Habsburgh Monarchy 1914-1917], Trumbull, CT, 1964;
- Victor P. Hladick (1873-1947), The Brutal Polish Persecutions in Lemkowskaya Russia, Paris, 1919;
- Peter Stercho (1919-1987), Carpatho-Ukraine in International Affairs 1938-1939, Notre Dame, 1959;
- Volodymyr Levytz'kyj, Hitler, Chekhy i Karpats'ka Ukraiina [Hitler, Czechoslovakia and Carpatho-Ukraine], Scranton, PA, 1939,
- Frantisek Nemec (1898-1963) and Vladimir Moudry, The Soviet Seizure of Subcarpathian Ruthenia, Toronto, 1955;
- Vlado Kostelnik (b.1930), Pod chervenu zastavu. Khronika o uchastvovaniu rusnatsokh-ukraintsokh u
narodnooshlieboditelnei borbi IUgoslavii [Under the Red Flag. Chronicle
of the Participation of Rusyns-Ukrainians in the Struggle for the National
Liberation of Yugoslavia], Novy Sad, 1971.
The revival of rusynism in East-Central Europe has its supporters and
antagonists. The first group is represented in the collection by the work of
Volodymyr Fedynyshynec', Our Peaceful Rusyn Way, Fairview, NJ,
1992. See also:
- IUlian Kolesar, Ukrainsky natzyonalyzem I Rusnatsy
[Ukrainian Nationalism and Rusyns], Montreal, 1975.
The other group is
represented among others by four works by Oleksa Myshanych (b.1933):
- Vid
Pidkarpats'kykh Rusyniv do Zakarpats'kykh Ukraintsiv [From
Subcarpathian Rusyns to Transcarpathian Ukrainians], Uzhhorod, 1991;
- <<Karpatorusynstvo>>
: iohoioho dzherela i evoliutsia [<<Carpatho-Rusynism>>:
its Roots and Evolution], Uzhhorod, 1992;
- Politychne rusynstvo i shcho
za nym [Political Rusynism and What Behind It], Uzhhorod, 1993;
Karpaty nas ne rozluchat' [Carpathians Will Not Separate Us
From Each Other], Uzhhorod, 1993.
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