By Bogdan Horbal ©1996 all rights reserved.
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Several works deal with biographies of famous Carpatho-Rusyns (political, religious and cultural leaders, writers-poets, and scholars). Vasylii Hadzhega (1864-1938), who himself was probably the most prolific native historian, wrote about:

Galician Ukrainian Ivan Pan'kevych (1887-1958) answered the question:

See also:

Among famous Rusyns of Bachka region, two have been described in the collection:

Short biography of "the Teacher of Lemkos" was given by: A.S. Wislocki, "Ivan Jurijevicz Rusenko", Polska Sztuka Ludowa, XXXIX, 3-4 (Warsaw-Wroclaw), 1985, p.210, while Feofil' Kuryllo (1896-1945) gave short descriptions of several famous Lemkos in his: "Kratkaia svodka pisatelei i zhurnalystov na Lemkovshchynie [Short Summary of the Writers and Journalists in the Lemko Region] ", Naukovo=Literaturnyi Sbornyk Galitsko-Russkoi Matitsy, VIII (L'viv, 1934), p.22-50.

A number of Rusyn scholars moved to Russia, where they carved out successful careers. On their lives and activity see:

On the lives of religious leaders of Carpatho-Rusyns see:

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