There is a strong collection of American Carpatho-Rusyn newspapers and
memorial books on microfilm (60 titles), dating back to 1894. The collection was
acquired by the Library thanks to the Byzantine Ruthenian Metropolitan Province.
Among the most influential and long lasting newspapers are:
The organ of The
Greek Catholic Union - Amerykansky Russky Viestnik, Mahanoy City,
Scranton, PA, New York, NY, Pittsburgh, Homestead, PA, 1894-1952, superseded by
Greek Catholic Union Messenger, Homestead, PA, 1953-1975. James M. Evans
prepared: Guide to the Amerykansky Russky Viestnik. vol.1: 1894-1914,
Fairview, NJ, 1979. Further years are being indexed by Professor Robert A.
See also:
the organ of the Lemko Association - Lemko,
Philadelphia, PA, Cleveland, OH, New York, NY, 1929-1939, which was superseded
by Karpatska Rus', Yonkers, NY, 1939-1969;
the organ of the Russian
Brotherhood Organization of the USA - Pravda, New York, NY, Olyphant,
Philadelphia, PA, 1904-1975;
the organ of the United Societies of Greek Religion
in the U.S.A. - Prosvita, McKeesport, PA, 1917-1975;
and the organ of
the Russian Orthodox Catholic Mutual Aid Society of USA - Svit,
Wilkes-Barre, PA, 1908-1975.
Recently, the collection of two hundred and twenty four parish commemorative
and jubilee books was microfilmed. The ten reels of microfilm contain
reproductions of two hundred and ten parish publications of the Byzantine
Catholic Churches in the USA, attended primarily by Carpatho-Rusyns. In
addition, fourteen are of parishes of the American Carpatho-Russian Orthodox
Greek-Catholic Church, also attended primarily by Carpatho-Rusyns. These books
should prove useful to scholars in fields such
as church history, local history, Carpatho-Rusyn and generally Slavic
studies, and sociology of religion. The microfilming of this collection was
graciously supported by Byzantine Catholic Bishop of Passaic, the Most Reverend
Michael J. Dudick (b.1915), D.D. The description of the collection was done by
Professor Richard Renoff (b.1936) of the Nassau County Community College,
Byzantine Catholic (Ruthenian) commemorative and jubilee books, [New York,
There are also some very rare and interesting European-Rusyn periodicals:
Ku-Ku...Ku-Ku:satirichesko-iumoristicheskii dvukhnediel'nik
[Satirico-Humoruos Bi-Weekly], Mukachevo, 1932;
Vozrozhdeniye [Resurrection],
(Almanac of the Association of Carpatho-Rusyn Students in Prague), Prague,
Most mezi vychodom a zapadem [The Bridge Between the East and
the West], (Pictorial Magazine for Subcarpathian Rus'), KHust, 1937-38;
Nedilia [Sunday], (Independent, Political, Social, Literature Weekly for
Subcarpathian Rusyns), Uzhhorod, 1935-37.
Current developments among Carpatho-Rusyns world-wide can be followed in:
Hutsuliia (Conference of Hutsulian Associations of America and Canada),
Chicago, 1967-present;
Lemkivski Visti (World Lemko Federation),
Toronto, 1971-1979;
Carpatho-Rusyn American (Carpatho-Rusyn Research
Center), Fairview, NJ, 1978-present;
Eastern Catholic Life (Byzantine
Catholic Diocese of Passaic), Passaic, NJ, 1965-present;
Horizons (Byzantine Catholic Diocese of Parma), Parma, OH., 1979-present;
Karpatska Rus' (Lemko Association of USA and Canada), Yonkers, NY, 1994-present;
Besida (Lemko Association), Krynica (Poland), 1989-present;
Nashe Slovo (Association Of Ukrainians in Poland) [includes Lemko Page], Warsaw, 1953-present;
Narodny Novynky (Rusyn Renaissance), Presov (Slovakia), 1990-present;
Rusyn (World Rusyn Council), Presov, 1990-present;
Karpatskii Krai (Independent),
Uzhhorod, 1992-present;
Karpatska Ukraina (Ukrainian National Council of
the Transcarpathian Region), Uzhhorod, 1992-present;
Novyny Zakarpattia,
(Council of National Deputies of the Transcarpathian Region), Uzhhorod,
Nova Dumka (Association of Rusyns and Ukrainians of
Croatia), Vukovar, 1973-present;
Ruske Slovo (Society for Rusyn Language
and Literature), Novy Sad, 1993-present.
Among scholarly and literary serial publications, which are devoted to the
history and culture of Carpatho-Rusyns, there are:
Materialy dlia
Istorii Ugorskoi Rusi [Materials for the History of Ugro-Rus'] vol.1-7,
St. Petersburg, 1905-1921, Naukovyi Zbornyk Tovarystva Pros'vita[Academic
Almanac of the Pros'vita Society], Uzhhorod 1922-1938;
Kulturno-Prosvititel'nogo Obshchestva imeni A.V. Dukhnovicha v Uzhhorode
[Publications of the Cultural and Enlightenment A.V. Dukhnovych Association in
Uzhhorod], Uzhhorod, 1925-1931;
Carpatica, (Sbor pro vyzkum Slovenska a
Podkarpatske Rusi) [Committee for Studying on Slovakia and Subcarpathian
Rus'], Prague, 1936-1940;
Shvetlosts. Chasopys za lyteraturu, kulturu, a
druzhtveny pytania [Lightness. Periodical Dedicated to Literature, Culture,
and Social Questions], Novy Sad, 1969-present;
Naukovyi Zbirnyk Muzeiu
Ukrains'koi Kul'tury u Svidnyku [Academic Almanac of the Museum of Ukrainian
Culture in Svidnik], Svidnik, 1965-present, Duklia (Literary,
Historical, and Public Affairs Bi-Monthly), Presov, 1953- present;
naukovoho tovarystva [Publications of the Scientific Society], Presov,
Annals of the World Lemko Federation, Camillus, NY
Along with these publications, there are also collections of articles on
Carpatho-Rusyn subjects:
- Dimitri Vergun (1877-1965) ed., Vosem' lektsii
o Podkarpatskoi Rusi [Eight Lectures on Subcarpathian Rus'], Prague,
- Priashevshchyna: istoriko-literaturnyi sbornik [Preshov
Region: Historical and Literary Almanac], Prague, 1948;
- Karpatskii
sbornik [Carpathian Almanac], Moskva, 1972;
- Putiami istori:
obshcherusskoe natsional'noe, dukhovnoe i kul'turnoe edinstvo na osnovanii
dannykh nauki i zhizni, [Russian National, Spiritual and Cultural Unity
According to Scientific Facts and Personal Experience], vol.1-2, New York, 1977;
Hutsul'shchyna: istoryko-etnografichne doslidzhennia [Hutsul
Region: Historical and Ethnographic Studies], Kyiv, 1987.
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