Hrap [Ru] Grab[Polish]
Jaslo District, present day SE Poland
Lemko Surnames found in 1787 Austrian Cadastral Records
Parish Data:
Church was "Saints Kosmos and Damian" [1809] [ destroyed]
The wooden church was renovated in 1920 and 1933. Only a small chapel remains.
The first mention of a parish is from 1633, when the landowner gave certain privlidges to the priest. The first school was formed in 1829. In 1911 about half of the village turned to Orthodoxy but by 1912 had returned. In 1927-29 part of the village again turned to Orthodoxy
In 1785 the village lands comprised 16.10 sq km. There were 450 Greek Catholics 0 Roman Catholics and 9 Jews
1840 - 656 Greek Catholics
1859 - 543 Greek Catholics
1879 - 656 Greek Catholics
1899 - 720 Greek Catholics
1926 - 502 Greek Catholics
1936 - 609 Greek Catholics [91 had left for the USA)
The village was incorporated in to the Lemko Apostolic Administration in 1934
In 1936 there wer 26 Roman Catholics, 263 Orthodox and 8 Jews
Filial church located in OZHYNNA 3km away
The village of VYSHOVATKA 2km away was served by the priest
LDS microfilm is not available