Balnycja [Ru] Balnica [Polish]

Lesko District, present day SE Poland

Lemko Surnames found in 1787 Austrian Cadastral Records

Parish Data:

Church was "Saint Michael - erected in 1856 [destroyed].

The wooden church was erected in 1856 and replaced an older wooden chuch of the same name that existed as early as 1830. The village was burned and the people deported in 1945-46. Metroplitan Stefan Sulyk (Philadelphia) was born here.

This parish was a filial parish to nearby MANIV (4km).

In 1785 the village lands comprised 17.65 There were 285 Greek Catholics no Roman Catholics and 6 Jews

1840 - 484 Greek Catholics

1859 - 451 Greek Catholics

1879 - 423 Greek Catholics

1899 - 460 Greek Catholics

1926 - 500 Greek Catholics

1936 - 456 Greek Catholics

The village was not incorporated into the Lemko Apostolic Administration in 1934

Presently no LDS microfilms are available