Vyslik Nyzhnyj [Ru] Wislok Dolny [Polish]
Sanok District, present day SE Poland
Lemko Surnames found in 1787 Austrian Cadastral Records
Parish Data:
Church was "Saint Onufrius" [1850] [still standing]
The wooden church replaced an older church from at leats 1828. The village was burned down January 24, 1946 by the Poles.
In 1785 the village lands comprised 60.14 sq km There were 820 Greek Catholics 0 Roman Catholics and 41 Jews
Data is a combination of Nyzhnyj and Vyzhnyj
1840 - 1421 Greek Catholics
1859 - 1208 Greek Catholics
1879 - 1311 Greek Catholics
1899 - 1520 Greek Catholics
1926 - 1840 Greek Catholics
1936 - 1658 Greek Catholics
The village was incorporated into the Lemko Apostolic Administration in 1934
In 1936 there were 10 Roman Catholics and 28 Jews
LDS microfilm not available