Svjatkova [Ru] Swiatkowa Wielka [Polish]

Jaslo District, present day SE Poland

Lemko Surnames cited by Krasovs'kyj from 1787 Austrian Cadastral Records

  1. Bagan / Bahan
  2. Bazarnik / Bazarnyk (2 families)
  3. Barna
  4. Boryk / Borek (3 families)
  5. Brynda
  6. Warchol / Warhol / Warchil / Varkhol (3 families)
  7. Halda (2 families)
  8. Gluchanicz / Glukhanych (2 families)
  9. Gracon / Gratson' (9 families)
  10. Gula
  11. Gulik / Gulyk
  12. Hutyra
  13. Dziad / Did / Dzjad
  14. Dziadyk / Dzadyk / Dziatyk / Dzjadyk (2 families)
  15. Dylin / Delin / Dylyn
  16. Doroslawicz / Doroslavych
  17. Dran (2 families)
  18. Kilko
  19. Kityk / Kocik / Kityk
  20. Koban
  21. Kohutyk / Kochutyk / Kogucik / Kogutyk
  22. Koldra
  23. Kopcza / Kopcha (2 families)
  24. Kostycz / Kostyc / Kostych
  25. Kochan / Kokhan ( 3 families)
  26. Kuruc / Kuruts
  27. Labik / Labyk
  28. Lip / Lyp
  29. Lipian / Lyp'jan (2 families)
  30. Maychrycz / Majkhrych (6 families)
  31. Misko / Mis'ko ( 2 families)
  32. Moysey / Mojsej
  33. Nayduch / Najdukh
  34. Nester / Nestor / Nescior / Nester ( 2 families)
  35. Noga ( 2 families)
  36. Peyko / Peiko / Pejko
  37. Pyrkowicz / Pyrkovych
  38. Pikosz / Pikosh
  39. Rusyn /Rusin (4 families)
  40. Senczak / Sinczak / Senchak
  41. Smerekanicz / Smerekanych
  42. Talpasz / Taupasz / Talpash
  43. Trochanowski / Trokhanovs'kyj
  44. Felenczak / Felenchak
  45. Homyk / Homik / Khomyk ( 6 families)
  46. Czulik / Culik / Chulyk
  47. Czurylla / Czurylo / Churyla
  48. Jaroszczak / Jaroshchak

Parish Data: [from Blazejowskyj and Iwanusiw]

Church was "Saint Michael" [1756] [still standing]

The wooden church was closed for 39 years after WW-II and is now used by Polish Roman Catholics. The village in 1510 belonged to the Stadnyc'kyj family and in 1581 a Greek Catholic priest was known to have been in the parish. In 1873 there was a cholera epidemic, in 1887 the crops were ruined by a "great freeze", in 1889 the locality was struck by drought and in 1899 and 1934 floods greatly damaged the village.

In 1918, under the leadership of the pastor, a Rus'ka narodna rada was formed, with the intention of forming a Lemko Republic joined to Czechoslovakia - but this was soon liquidated by the Polish Government

In 1785 the village lands comprised 18.75 sq km. There were 528 Greek Catholics 0 Roman Catholics and 14 Jews

1840 - 356 Greek Catholics

1859 - 634 Greek Catholics

1879 - 698 Greek Catholics

1899 - 738 Greek Catholics

1926 - 820 Greek Catholics

1936 - 26 Greek Catholics and 1491 Orthodox

In 1936 there were 4 Roman Catholics and 0 Jews

The village was incorporated in to the Lemko Apostolic Administration in 1934

Filial church located in SVIRZOVA RUS'KA 4km away and SVJATKOVA MALA 2km away

LDS microfilm is not available