Bolcarjova / Borcalova [Ru] Binczarowa [Polish]
Grybow District, present day SE Poland
Lemko Surnames found in 1787 Austrian Cadastral Records
Parish Data:
Church was "Saint Demitrius" built in 1760 [still standing]
The wooden church was built in 1760 and was renovated in 1927. It is now used by Poles. The village is first mentioned in 1531 when the land was sold to Ivan Trukhanovych with the permission of the Polish king.
In 1785 the village lands comprised 13.31 There were 555 Greek Catholics 30 Roman Catholics and 10 Jews
1840 - 741 Greek Catholics
1859 - 690 Greek Catholics
1879 - 715 Greek Catholics
1899 - 685 Greek Catholics
1926 - 702 Greek Catholics
1936 - 48 Greek Catholics [plus 567 Orthodox after village joined Lemko Apostolic Administration]
The village was incorporated into the Lemko Apostolic Administration
in 1934
The village of HRYBIV was also served by the priest
LDS microfilm not yet available