Kuljashne / Kuljashnoj [Ru] Kulaszne / Miedzydorze[Polish]

Sanok District, present day SE Poland

Lemko Surnames cited by Krasovs'kyj from 1787 Austrian Cadastral Records

  1. Bida
  2. Dziubak / Dzjubak ( 3 families)
  3. Dorociak / Dorotsjak
  4. Dziak / Djak
  5. Kuper
  6. Michaliszyn / Mykhalyshyn ( 2 families)
  7. Seman
  8. Sobko
  9. Terek / Teryk
  10. Feyko / Fejko
  11. Fenio / Fen'o
  12. Chalupniak / Khalupnjak
  13. Chomczyk / Khomchyk ( 2 families)
  14. Ciura / Tsjura
  15. Jurenko ( 2 families)
  16. Jacenko / Jatsenko

Parish Data: [from Blazejowskyj and Iwanusiw]

The church was "Saint Elias the Prophet / Saint Michael" [1912] [destroyed]

The wooden church replaced an older church of 1901. There was an older church1844 that replaced an older one named Saint Michael. The last wooden church was taken by Roman Catholics and used until 1974 when it burned and the Poles built a masonry church. Only the bell tower remains from the old church.

The village was a filial parish to SHCHAVNE 3km away

In 1785 the village lands comprised 8.54 sq km. There were 235 Greek Catholics 24 Roman Catholics and 12 Jews

1840 - 466 Greek Catholics

1859 - 356 Greek Catholics

1879 - 440 Greek Catholics

1899 - 543 Greek Catholics

1926 - 517 Greek Catholics

1936 - 550 Greek Catholics

The village was not incorporated in to the Lemko Apostolic Administration in 1934

LDS microfilm not available