Lesko District, present day SE Poland
Lemko Surnames found in 1787 Austrian Cadastral Records
Parish Data:
Church was "Saint Nicholas the Miracle Worker erected in 1783 [now destroyed]
Bereska was a large village with more than 1500 inhabitants. During the 1944-1947 expulsions, more than 250 were killed including Rev. Oleksa Bilyk (1892-1944), his wife and son Mychalyo. The Poles kille Rev. Bilyk by driving a wooden wedge into his head. The church was burned to the ground in the 1980's
A masonry church - "Transfiguration of Our Lord" also existed and was erected in 1868, renovated in 1920 and also destroyed.
In 1785 the village lands comprised 12.03 There were 360 Greek Catholics 90 Roman Catholics and 30 Jews
1840 - 512 Greek Catholics
1859 - 526 Greek Catholics
1879 - 618 Greek Catholics
1899 - 845 Greek Catholics
1926 - 900 Greek Catholics
1936 - 1007 Greek Catholics
1938 saw 436 Roman Catholics and 63 Jews
The village was not incorporated into the Lemko Apostolic Administration in 1934
LDS microfilm not yet available