Zandranova [Ru] Zyndranowa[Polish]
Krosno District, present day SE Poland
Lemko Surnames cited by Krasovs'kyj from 1787 Austrian Cadastral Records
- Bek
- Blycha / Blykha
- Wanca / Vantsa ( 3 families)
- Gabala / Gabawa / Gabla ( 2 families)
- Hamula / Hamuwa
- Gynda / Ginda / Geda
- Holuta / Holjuta ( 2 families)
- Gocz / Goch
- Husar / Chusar
- Demus
- Drymak
- Dudyk / Dudik ( 2 families)
- Jezuita / Jezuita
- Kaplon
- Kydala
- Knysz / Knisz / Knysh
- Kondrat
- Kukiela / Kukela ( 3 families)
- Lazorczyk / Lazorchyk ( 2 families)
- Lusnia / Ljushnja
- Madzey / Madzej ( 2 families)
- Machelski / Makhel's'kyj
- Macek / Matsek ( 2 families)
- Osuch / Osukh (5 families)
- Petryk ( 3 families)
- Pilip / Pylyp ( 3 families)
- Przybiliak / Prybyljak
- Prochnawy / Prokhnavyj ( 3 families)
- Rochaz / Rohach ( 2 families)
- Rusnak
- Sawczak / Szawczak / Savchak ( 2 families)
- Skorodynski / Skorodyns'kyj
- Sliwka / Slivka ( 2 families)
- Telepko
- Tymus
- Tytko
- Farbaniec / Farbanets'
- Fedas ( 3 families)
- Fecula / Fetsula ( 2 families)
- Fuczyla / Fuchyla
- Chomiak / Homiak / Khom'jak ( 2 families)
- Copak / Tsopak
- Ciura / Tsjura ( 2 families)
- Czomeko / Chomko ( 4 families)
- Szyika / Shyjka ( 2 families)
- Szymko / Shymko ( 2 families)
- Stochmal / Shtokhmal' ( 2 families)
- Jawilak / Javyljak ( 7 families)
Parish Data: [from Blazejowskyj and Iwanusiw]
Saint Nicholas [1897] [still standing]
The wooden church , now destroyed replaced an older church dating to 1720.
The first mention of a parish is from 1706 when the owner Sofija Zborowska
donated the land to Ihnatij Pashnjans'kyj since the former property was
confiscated by the family of the former pastor o. Vasyl' Barvin'sky who had died
6 years earlier.
In 1785 the village lands comprised 19.82 sq km. There were 618 Greek
Catholics 0 Roman Catholics and 9 Jews
1840 - 778 Greek Catholics
1859 - 720 Greek Catholics
1879 - 765 Greek Catholics
1899 - 836 Greek Catholics
1926 - 756 Greek Catholics
1936 - 920 Greek Catholics
The village was incorporated in to the Lemko Apostolic Administration in
In 1936 there were 109 Roman CAtholics 9 Orthodox and 41 Jews
Filial parish was BARVINOK 2.5km away
LDS microfilm not available