By Bogdan Horbal ©1996 all rights reserved.
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Interesting memoirs, written by Rusyn and non-Rusyn historical figures,
bring personalized accounts of different events in the history of
Carpatho-Rusyns. Among them there are:
- Mihail Drahomanov (1841-1895), Avstro-Uhors'ki
spomyny 1867-1877 [Austro-Hungarian Memoirs 1867-1877], reprinted in:
Literaturno-publitsistichni pratsi u dvokh tomakh
[Literary-Journalistic Works in Two Volumes], Kyiv, 1970, p.151-288 and
- Evmenii
Sabov (1859-1934), "Vospominaniia z Uzhgorodskoi gimnazii" [Memoirs
from the Uzhhorod Gymnasium], in: Kalendar' "Sobraniia" 1928,
McKeesport, PA, 1928, p.85-94.
Seweryn Udziela (1857-1937), who was a school
inspector in the Lemko Region wrote:
- Ziemia lemkowska przed pólwieczem:
zapiski i wspomnienia z lat 1888-1893 [The Lemko Land Half a Century
Ago: Notes and Memories from Years 1888-1893], L'viv, 1934.
See also:
- Michael
Winch, Republic for a Day: An Eye-Witness Account of the
Carpatho-Ukraine Incident, London, 1939;
- Volodymyr Birchak (1881-1945),
Karpats'ka Ukraina, spomyny i sposterezhennia [Carpatho-Ukraine,
Memoirs and Reflections], Prague, 1939;
- Avhustyn Voloshyn (1874-1945), Spomyny
[Memoirs], Philadelphia, 1959;
- Avhustyn Shtefan (1893-1987), Za Pravdu
i Voliu. Spomyny i Deshcho z Istorii Karpats'koi Ukrainy, [For Justice
and Freedom. Memoirs and Some Events from the History of Carpatho-Ukraine],
vol.1-2, Toronto 1973-81.
Ivan Dmytryk (b.1919), was a soldier of the Ukrainian
Underground Army and presented his experiences in:
- U Lisakh
Lemki-vshchyny [In the Forests of the Lemko Region], New York-Munich,
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