By Bogdan Horbal ©1996 all rights reserved.
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The Lemko Region is represented in this category by probably the most influential Russophile writer of this region, Volodymyr Khyliak (1843-1893). See his:

Immmigrant Russophile Lemko Teofan Obushkevych (1841-1924) translated from Czech: Ukrainian orientated writers from this region are represented by two excellent poets. Bohdan Ihor Antonych (1909-1937), despite his early death, became a famous and vastly acclaimed poet. See his:

See also excellent poems in Lemko vernacular by Piotr Trochanowski, Jak sokól wode na kamieniu=IAk sokil vody na kameny [The Way Falcon Looks for Water on a Stone], Warsaw: Iskry, 1989.

Works by Subcarpathian Russophile authors includes:

Ukrainian language writers who published their works mostly during the communist era are well represented among others by:

Literary works of Yugoslavian Rusyns, written in their literary standard, include:

Carpatho-Rusyn immigrant literature is represented by:

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