By Bogdan Horbal ©1996 all rights reserved.
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The works on literary history of Carpatho-Rusyns include:
- Wolfgango Giusti
(b.1901), "La Russia subcarpatica e la sua letteratura" [Subcarpathian
Rus' and its Literature], in: Revista di letteratura slave, I, 1-2
(Roma, 1926), p.115-138;
- Iuliian Yavorski, Materialy dlia istorii
literatury v Podkarpatskoi Rusi [Materials for the History of
Literature in Subcarpathian Rus'], Prague, 1934;
- Iosyf Hanulya (1874-1962),
Rusin literature, Cleveland, 1941;
- IUrii Baleha, Literatura
Zakarpattia dvadtsatykh-trydtsatykh rokiv XX stolittia [Transcarpathian
Literature of the Twenties and the Thirties of the Twentieth Century], Kyiv
- Yurii Bacha (b.1932), Literaturnyi rukh na Zakarpatti seredyny
XIX v. [Literary Movement in Transcarpathia in the Mid-Nineteenth
Century], Presov, 1964;
- Oleksa Myshanych (b.1933), Literatura
Zakarpattia XVII-XVIII stolit' [Transcarpathian Literature of the
Seventeenth-Eighteenth Centuries], Kyiv 1964;
- Vasyl Mykytas (b.1924), Davna
literatura Zakarpattia: narysy literatury Zakarpattia doby feudalizmu
[Old Literature of Transcarpathia: Outline of Transcarpathian Literature in the
Feudal Period], L'viv, 1968;
- Fedor F. Aristov, (1888-1932), Karpato-russkie
pisateli: izsledovanie po neizdannym istochnikam [Carpatho-Russian
Writers: An Analysys Based on Unpublished Sources], Bridgeport, CT, 1977,
- Paul
R.Magocsi (b.1945), Rusyn-American Ethnic Literature,
Cambridge, [1978?];
- Josef Sirka, The Development of Ukrainian
Literature in Czechoslovakia 1945-1975, Frankfurt/Main, 1978;
- Mykhailo
Roman (b.1930), Literatura i chas [Literature and Time],
Presov, 1986;
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