By Bogdan Horbal ©1996 all rights reserved.
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Studies on this question in Subcarpathian Rus' include:
Olaf Broch (1867-19??), Studien von der slovakisch-kleinrussischen Sprachgrenze imõstlichen Ungarm [Study on Slovak-Little Russian Language Boder-Line in Eastern Hungary], Kristiana, Norway, 1897; and his Ugrorus'koe narechie sela Ubli (Zemplenskago komitata), [Ugro-Rusyn Dialect of the Village of Ublia (Zemplen District), St. Petersburg, 1899;
Evmenii Sabov (1859-1934), Russkii literaturnyi iazyk Podkarpatskoi Rusi [Russian Literary Language of Subcarpathian Rus'], Uzhhorod, 1925;
Konstantin Stripskii, Iazyk literaturnoi tradytsii Karpatskoi Rusi [Language of the Literary Tradition of Subcarpathian Rus'], Uzhhorod, 1930;
Ivan Pan'kevych (1887-1958), "Zakarpats'kyi dialektnyi variant ukrains'koi literaturnoi movy XVII-XVIII vv." [Transcarpathian Dialectical Variant of Ukrainian Literature Language of XVII-XVII Centuries], Slavia,XXVII, 2 (Prague, 1957), p.171-181, and also his: Ukrainska nareci Podkarpatské Rusi a sousednich oblasti [Ukrainian Dialects of Subcarpathian Rus' and Neighbouring Territories], Prague, 1938;
Mykola Shtets' (b.1932), "Rozvytok ukrains'koho pravopysu na Zakarpatti i v Skhidnii Slovachchyni" [The Development of the Ukrainian Script in Transcarpathia and in Eastern Slovakia], Naukovyi Zbirnyk Muzeiu Ukrains'koi Kul'tury u Svidnyku, IV (Presov, 1969), p.279-292.
Paul R.Magocsi (b.1945), The Language Question Among the Subcarpathian Rusyns, Fairview, NJ, 1979.
On the dialect of Galician Lemkos see:
- Ivan Verkhrats'kyi (1846-1919), Pro hovor halytskykh lemkiv, [About the Dialect of Galician Lemkos], L'viv, 1902;
- Zdzislaw Stieber (1903-1980), Dialekt £emków: fonetyka i fonologia [Lemko Dialect: Phonetics and Phonology], Wroclaw, 1982; and his: Atlas Jezykowy Dawnej £emkowszczyzny [Linguistic Atlas of the Old Lemko Region], vol.1-8, £ódY , 1956-64.
- Charles Bidwell (b.1923) described the language of American Rusyns and those from Bachka, in his two studies: The Language of Carpatho-Ruthenian Publications in America, Pittsburgh, 1971, and "The Language of the Backa Ruthenians in Yugoslavia", in: The Slavic and East European Review, X (Spring 1966), p.32-45.
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