GCU Magazine

The official Publication of the Greek Catholic Union in the USA. Issued on the 2nd Thursday of the month.

The Greek Catholic Union now has their OWN website at: www.gcuusa.com

George N. Batyko - President

George N Juba - Vice-President

Michael I. Roman - Secretary/Treasurer

Frederick M. Petro - Editor

Articles of Interest:

The below articles appeared in Greek Catholic Union Magazine and were authored by Michael Roman, K.S.G.G. They appear with permission from GCU. Any other use without prior permission from GCU is strictly prohibited.

On September 27, 1995 Mr. Michael Roman died, just 3 weeks before his 83rd birthday. Mr. Roman was the editor of GCU's newspaper Amerikansky Russky Viestnik, later the GCU Messenger, from 1936 to 1980. Even after retirement, Mr. Roman continued to write. He was an invaluable source on Rusin history. His funeral was served by an archbishop, ten priests and over 200 faithful.

........Fred Petro, GCU Magazine, Greek Catholic Union of the USA

1. Rusyn Marriage Customs and Superstitions Part 1

2. Rusyn Marriage Customs and Superstitions - Part 2

3. Rusyn Burial Customs and Superstitions

4. Rusyn Birth and Baptism Customs

5. Rusyn Mardi Gras or Fašengy

6. Rusyn Christmas Greetings, Symbolisms and Superstitions

6. Rusyn Pysanky - Color and Beauty at Eastertime

7. "Ordalia" - determined the guilt or innocence of our Rusyn ancestors

8. "Life of miners in America" - Their dangerous work did not prevent them from enjoying fable-telling weekends.

8. "Christmas in the Carpathian Highland"

Also in GCU Magazine:

Mary Vasily--Ellis lsland Oral History Project Submitted by Greg Kopchak

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