By Bogdan Horbal ©1996 all rights reserved.
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Several documents and articles deal with the question of the fate of Subcarpathian Rus' after the First World War and its incorporation into Czechoslovakia. Istvan Csáky (1887-19??) gives the Hungarian point of view of this important events in his:

The official view of the new ruler of the region is also presented in:

Former Czechoslovakian Minister of Foreign Affairs Kamil Krofta (1876-1945), also discussed the Subcarpathian question in his:

See also official British account in:

The former governor of the Region Hihorii Ihnatii Zhatkovych (1886-1967), Exposé Dr. G.I. Zatkovica, byvshoho gubernatora Podkarpatskoi Rusi, o Podkarpatskoi Rusi [Expose of H.I. Zhatkovich, ex-governor of Subcarpathian Rus', about Subcarpathian Rus'], Homestead, PA, [1922?], discussed the final pro-Czechoslovak agreement made by Rusyn activists in 1919.

A constitutional background of Subcarpathian Rus' within Czechoslovakia was given in:

Complementing these historical materials is an interesting collection of interwar publications and documents. The Jan Papanek (Czechoslovak diplomat and humanitarian 1898-1991) Collection includes 17 boxes of printed materials (675 items) and manuscripts. Some of them concern the history of Subcarpathian Rus'.

From another, former Czechoslovak Minister of Foreign Affairs Edward Benes (1884-1948), came the account of the international situation of Subcarpathian Rus':

Criticism of the Czechoslovak administration in the region came from Rusyn immigrant circles. Michael Yuhasz (1865-1944) wrote about it in his:

Aleksei Gerovskii (1883-1972), published his memories:

The former Hungarian Senator from Subcarpathian Rus' Charles J.Hakky also expressed opposition to the Czechoslovak regime in the region but unlike Yuhasz and Gierovskii, Hakky stressed the Subcarpathian Region's unnatural separation from Hungary in his:

An example of political activity of Carpatho-Rusyn leaders is given in: Stefan Fentsyk (1892-1945), Interpelliatsii, podannyia Predsidateliu Sovita Ministrov i Ministram Chekhoslovatskoi respubliki deputatom Stefanom Fentsykom [Interpellations Presented to the Prime Minister and the Ministers of the Czechoslovak Republic by deputy Stefan Fentsyk], Uzhhorod, 1936.

Scholarly accounts of this period were given in several publications:

Czech sentiments towards the province of Subcarpathian Rus' reflect in a number of recent publications:

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