By Bogdan Horbal ©1996 all rights reserved.
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On the archeology of the Carpathians, which have been settled since the
Neolithic period see:
IAroslav Pasternak (1892-1969), Ruské
Karpaty v archeologii [Rusyn Carpathians in Archeology], Prague, 1928,
and also his: "Lemkivshchyna u syvii davnyni" [The Lemko Region in
Ancient Times], in: Annals of the World Lemkos' Federation, I (Camillus,
1974), p.11-27.
Despite substantial research, there is still no consensus on the
nature of the early settlement of Carpathian Rus'. Different points of view have
been presented by several authors. Aleksei L. Petrov (1859-1932), Professor of
Slavic Studies at the University of St. Petersburg and the best authority on
this problem, contended that the Carpathians could not have been settled until
well after the arrival of Magyars at the end of the ninth century. See his:
podlozhnosti gramoty kniazia Feodora Koriatovicha 1360 g." [On the
Falsehood of the 1360 Document Fedor Koriatovich], Materialy dlia
Istorii Ugorskoi Rusi, vol.3, St. Petersburg, 1906, p.270-299, and:
Drevnieishiia gramoty po istorii karpato-russkoi tserkvy i ierarkhii
1391-1498 [The Oldest Documents on the History of the Carpatho-Russian
Church and Hierarchy], Prague, 1930.
The "Magyarized" Rusyn Antal
Hodinka (1864-1946) presented similar (official Hungarian) point of view in his:
"L'habitat, l'économie et la passé du peuple ruthène
au sud des Carpathes" [Settlement, Economy and Life of the Rusyn People
South of the Carpathians], Revue des études hongroises et finno-ougriènnes,
II (Paris, 1924), p.244-275.
The Galician Ukrainian Volodymyr Hnatiuk
(1871-1926) in his:
Chy zakarpatski Ukraintsi avtohtony? [Are
the Transcarpathian Ukrainians Autochtons?], L'viv, 1924,
as well as the
Russophile Carpatho-Rusyn historian Nikolai Beskid (1883-1947) in his:
pravda [Carpatho-Russian Truth], Homestead, 1932,
Lubor Niederle [1865-1944), "Pocátky Karpatské Rusi"
[The Beginnings of Carpathian Rus'], Národopisný vestnik
ceskoslovenský , XV, 2 (Prague, 1922), p.23-31, also considered Rusyns
as the indigenous population of the Carpathians.
On the colonization of Vlach shepherds in the area, beginning during the
thirteenth century see:
- Václav Chaloupecký (1882-1951), Valasi
na Slovensku [The Vlachs in Slovakia], Prague, 1947;
- Branislav Varsik
(b.1904), Osidlenie Kosickej kotliny [The Settlement of the
Kosice Basin], vol.1-3, Bratislava, 1964-1977;
- Zofia Szanter, "Osadnictwo z
poludnia w Beskidzie Niskim i Sadeckim" [Colonization from the South in the
Lower and Sadecki Beskid], Polska Sztuka Ludowa , XXXIX, 3-4
(Warsaw-Wroclaw), 1985, p.187-193;
- Adam Fastnacht (1913-1987), Osadnictwo
ziemi sanockiej w latach 1340-1650 [Colonization of the Sanok Land in
Years 1340-1650], Wroclaw, 1962.
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