By Bogdan Horbal ©1996 all rights reserved.
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On the archeology of the Carpathians, which have been settled since the Neolithic period see:

Despite substantial research, there is still no consensus on the nature of the early settlement of Carpathian Rus'. Different points of view have been presented by several authors. Aleksei L. Petrov (1859-1932), Professor of Slavic Studies at the University of St. Petersburg and the best authority on this problem, contended that the Carpathians could not have been settled until well after the arrival of Magyars at the end of the ninth century. See his:

The "Magyarized" Rusyn Antal Hodinka (1864-1946) presented similar (official Hungarian) point of view in his:

The Galician Ukrainian Volodymyr Hnatiuk (1871-1926) in his:

as well as the Russophile Carpatho-Rusyn historian Nikolai Beskid (1883-1947) in his:

Lubor Niederle [1865-1944), "Pocátky Karpatské Rusi" [The Beginnings of Carpathian Rus'], Národopisný vestnik ceskoslovenský , XV, 2 (Prague, 1922), p.23-31, also considered Rusyns as the indigenous population of the Carpathians.

On the colonization of Vlach shepherds in the area, beginning during the thirteenth century see:

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